All player have equal chances to win, no matter if they got VIP-status or other subscriptions. Business Tour was not developed like that. There's simply no point in favoring one player to let him win the match, it's just not fun to play. I guess it's why many people quit the game very early.
The next game, i start and did: double, beach, double, protection, championships. The 4th battle, i spent 20 minutes without earning a single rent, with up to 5 properties. Player's luck can be critical sometimes too. I get so lucky/unlucky (most of the time). Hello! Business Tour game mechanics are based on tabletop mechanics and match results can not be predicted. I don't understant how you can be sure of your game after so many people telling you the same thing. I was straming your game, all my viewers told me they saw the same things on others live and it was the game the most rigged of the world and it was more easy to win in a casino. I don't know if your VIP have more chances than us or if you pay you have more luck but it's unfair. For my last 3 games, it was always the same, every time i had a chance card it was to pay something, every times my opponents got one it was to destroy our cards.
If everybody is telling it, it's not for nothing. Smoggey a écrit :Dev I'm sorry, but how can you close your eyes after so many people telling you it was rigged.